Structured Operations for Navigational Safety and Traffic Regulations
King Abdullah Port regulates commercial vessels within its area of jurisdiction and is responsible for the navigational safety and traffic regulation of all vessels bound to and from the Port.
All vessels arriving at or sailing from King Abdullah Port, or on passage through the Deep Water Approach Channel, must report to the port Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and comply with VTS rules. The Reporting Procedures and VTS Rules are set in the General Directions for Navigation and published in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Pilotage Service
King Abdullah Port provides pilotage on a 24/7 basis, which is compulsory for all vessels of 500gt or more. Details of the service are contained in the Pilotage Directions, as published in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)
King Abdullah Port Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is operated from the King Abdullah Port Marine Operations Centre on a continuous 24/7 basis to provide a safe and efficient regime for vessel traffic, as well as protection for the environment.
King Abdullah Port Operations Centre also provides the co-ordination and communications center for the Ports Pilotage Service, and the pilot boarding and disembarking activities.
The port’s VTS provides an Information and Traffic Organization service. Failure, without good cause, to obey an instruction given by King Abdullah Port VTS with the purpose of preserving marine safety, may constitute an offence.

Port Information
King Abdullah Port is located on the Red Sea Coast and its general position is at:
Latitude 220 32.0’ N. Longitude 0390 05.0’ E.
The southern approach channel to the port is at:
Latitude 220 31.3’ N. Longitude 0390 04.8’ E.
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) limits extend to the west and southwest of King Abdullah Port to include the King Abdullah Port Deep Water Route (DWR).

Marine Service Harbour
King Abdullah Port operates ASD tugs, ranging from 85t – 47t BP, that are available for berthing and un-berthing vessels calling at the port.
Tug 1 “Dolphin I” Specification (PDF)Tug 2 “Dolphin II” Specifications (PDF)Tug 3 “Marlin I” Specifications (PDF)Tug 4 “Wahoo I” Specifications (PDF)